Evaluating current status ------------------------- As of the end of summer, there is a new link featuring the ongoing process of development of the web interface for arching-kaos. You can visit the link by clicking [here](https://dev.arching-kaos.net). As well as the above statement, there is a process of making a daemon which is intented to run locally at your Linux machine. If you don't own one, either consider installing any distribution of Linux like: - Fedora, - Ubuntu/Debian/Mint, - ArchLinux, - Alpine or, - OpenSUSE Other distributions might work as well, but the ones mentioned above are the ones that have been tested. If you are not familiar with installing Linux, I'd recommend to choose Fedora or Debian, as they ship with easy to use installation of the system. Furthermore, it is not expected for participants to switch to Linux installation from their comfort zone, whichever OS might this include. Therefore, installing a Virtual Machine host on your system firstly, might be the way to go. Research and choose your VM host, install it, download a Linux distro of your preference, install it as a VM and then proceed into installing arching-kaos. You are ready to arch your chaos into your personal blockchain. You can host locally the development version of arching-kaos-web-ui and view your blockchain, locally, or participate with cjdns or stellar to reach more contributors and be discovered by them as well. [Arching Kaos Tools](https://github.com/arching-kaos/arching-kaos-tools) includes a bunch of documents describing the whole process and giving hints on how and why all this works and how it could be expanded further. More developments are to follow. Stay tuned, or better, revisit for latest news.