Updates on the website ---------------------- Hello again, there are some changes done lately so I thought it would be nice to present them in a small news article. Firstly, you 'll notice that a menu entry "Logs" appeared. The process of what your browser is doing in order for you to see something on your screen, is logged in human readable format in this section. Secondly, "News" section can now understand the [MarkDown](https://markdownguide.org/) format. Thirdly, guess who's writting this... Yeap, now the author appears for each article. Means a lot for a distributed platform. Forth, "Stats" section has been colorized, not sure if successfully or not. Red is supposed to be the ones that don't participate and green the ones do. Another one for you, documentation of the code is available, so practically, even if I haven't pushed this to github, it's still Open Source. If you feel comfortable with this, read the code, use the tools, participate and let me know what you think about all this. Did I do anything else? Surely, something will pop up that I forgot mentioning. Till next time, cheers!